Tuesday, January 9, 2007


One of the stables where I take riding lessons has a new addition to their family.

This little guy's name is Ike. Can you believe he's only 8 weeks old? He's actually Ike Jr., since his dad's name was Ike and Ike Jr. looks just like him. He's a friendly, lovable, gorgeous baby; and I fell in love with him right away. He's all gangly legs and floppy Great Dane puppy.

Here's Ike taking the lead with Bailey! Already learning to be around the horses who are all dog savvy. Ike pulled on the lead until Bailey started to follow, which scared him, "Hey, why is that big guy following me around?!" Ike also has an older sister named Molly, a Cattle Dog/Border Collie cross, who is a little annoyed by having to put up with "the little pest" (her words, not mine).

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